Africa Indigenous Women Empowerment

Who We Are


About Us

Empowering underprivileged girls,
women, youth and children.

Our organization is driven by a collective dedication to empower and transform lives of underprivileged girls, women and children in rural and urban deprived communities from abuse (Gender Based Violence).

AIWE was founded in 2018 by Ruth Nyaleel Kai Thoat, a young girl who found herself in the harsh reality of Kakuma refugee camp in 2002, where the challenges of life tested her resilience. She  was Born during civil wars in  Sudan, her childhood was marked by displacement, uncertainty, and a constant struggle for survival.

In the heart of Kakuma, a place that became both a sanctuary and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, Ruth faced the unambiguous truth of being a refugee. Clothes were a luxury, and education seemed like a distant dream. It was here, amidst the dust and uncertainty, that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) extended a helping hand to the young Ruth and her fellow refugees, providing her with the essentials for life and a reflection of hope for the future.

Our Core Values

Transparency and Accountability

We uphold best standards in resource management, ensuring transparency to make a difference through learning, sharing, and practicing new ideas. We believe in being accountable to communities, partner organizations, and supporters.


We, at AIWE adhere to humanitarian principles, responding to situations based on need with a focus on the most vulnerable. We are committed to addressing human suffering wherever and whenever it is found, aiming to protect life and ensure respect for human beings.

People and Safety

We AIWE values the skills and abilities of its co-workers, drawing strength from diversity and a commitment to equal opportunity. We prioritize the safety of individuals, putting human life and well-being before production.

Excellence Service

AIWE is dedicated to providing quality services across all sectors of its work. As leaders and managers, the organization aims to solve issues, offer support to partners, and satisfy the communities it serves with a do-no-harm concept and attitude.

Integrity and Respect

AIWE operates with honesty and responsibility in all its activities, holding itself to the highest moral and ethical standards. At AIWE we respect others, acts with courage and humility, and maintains integrity in all actions.

Community Empowerment

AIWE believes that timely and appropriate support to poor communities empowers them to lift themselves out of poverty. AIWE adopts a fully participatory approach, building initiatives based on ideas from affected communities and expecting commitment to these values from staff, partners, and beneficiaries.

Our Vision

To see Every girl and woman have equal opportunity as men to achieve her fullest potential and participate in and contribute to all aspects of life.

Our Mission

To provide holistic services, inspiring and empowering the girl child, youth, and women in communities to create lasting solutions to reduce extreme poverty, illiteracy, hunger, social injustices and strongly promote gender equality.